Yesterday 4th May 2020 saw people queuing outside the department of labour from as early as 4am, only to be told later on that there is a problem!
People were angry when they were told that the Department of Labour offices will not be opening until they get a go ahead from head office. There was a glitch in the system from what I could establish. However, this was just one problem that added to the multiple issues surrounding this Covid19 lockdown and the effects it's having on the unemployed.
I had a few lengthy conversation with members of the community yesterday and they had nothing positive to say regarding the paperwork, system or silence from government to what is actually going on! Some people having not been able to claim a grant for the past 3 months due to system crashes, lost paperwork and just lack of communication from government.
This lockdown will have the biggest effect on the unemployed with thousands left jobless and destitute, hungry and just reaching out for aid! In this time surely procedures need to be airtight and aid reaching the right people, instead of solidarity funds lining the wrong pockets.
I know that's a bold statement but what im seeing on the ground say's something totally different from the 8 o'clock news!
Corruption, failing systems, abuse of power, where does it end?
Who suffers the most?
Employers throwing employees to the curb!?
Every man for himself!
People are hungry and people are going to start doing things in desperation!
That is the truth!
South Africa sort your shit out.
